Complaints And Suggestions

Complaints And Suggestions

Welcome to Our Steel Pipe Complaints and Suggestions Page

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Attract our steel pipe buyers to actively come to our website for comments and suggestions. We will continue to improve and adjust based on these suggestions, so that our structural steel pipe business can continue to grow steadily and leave a good impression on customers.


Due to some of our steel pipe products not being directly sold to our end users, we cannot receive complaints and suggestions from the end users in a timely manner. We believe that the voice of end users of steel pipes is important, which determines whether we can better provide services to steel pipe users in the future. At the same time, we also want to provide more excellent steel pipe products and services to global steel pipe users, adjust and optimize our production capacity, and so on.


In order to encourage steel pipe buyers and users to actively participate in the event, we have specially prepared some souvenirs with Chinese characteristics to mail to everyone.

2.Your feedback Is Very Important

Listening to customer opinions is one of the keys to a company's success. Customers are the lifeline of a company, and your opinions and feedback can help Yuantai Derun understand your needs and expectations, optimize products and services, and improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Here, we would like to listen to your customers' opinions and provide some practical suggestions to help the enterprise operate better and upgrade and optimize.


  • Emphasize listening
  • Reflecting concerns
  • Implementing suggestions
Open Mike
Listen to customer feedback

3 How to Provide Feedback

Freedom of form

If you are willing, you can freely choose any form of method, such as letters, messages, videos, spreadsheets, photos, and so on.

Response mode:

Letters, emails, videos, and other forms.

Response time:

Based on customer feedback, we will respond within 2-72 hours.


Customers feel that their opinions and feedback have received serious attention and response, and they may feel valued and respected, thereby becoming more loyal to the company.


  • 2-72 hours reply
  • Reflecting concerns
  • Free choice of letters, videos, images, spreadsheets, and other forms
Open Mike

Contact Information